Our associated local church is Christ Church, Holden Cresent, Newark.
It is a welcoming and relaxed Anglican church. You can visit the website at www.christchurchnewark.co.uk
We are lucky to be supported by Rev Paul Franklin, both as a school governor and church leader.
A message from Revd Paul:
Christ Church Infants is a friendly and welcoming school, with great links in the local community. As a church we are pleased to have such a strong relationship with the school, which ranges from visiting and providing input to collective worship through to hosting large school events such as end-of-term services and sports days. We are keen to do all we can to support the staff and students.
We are also supported by Carl Meachem at Newark Evangelical Church.
Mr Meachem regularly leads Collective Worship at the school.
You can visit the church website at www.newarkevangelical.org.uk
Here you will find information about services, the toddlers group and kids club.
You may also wish to visit the local Methodist church website at www.newarkandsouthwellmethodist.org.uk